What is alcohol?
Alcohol is a depressant
that slows brain function and poisons the body. Ethyl alcohol or
ethanol is the basic chemical found in all alcoholic beverages. |
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Bath salts
What is bath salts?
Bath salts (also called synthetic
cathinone) take their name from their powder form. White or
brown powder looks like you put salt in the bath water (it is
important not to confuse these two very different products).
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What is cannabis? Cannabis
is the illicit drug most used in France. The main active
chemical in cannabis is THC (delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol).
Of the 400 chemicals found in cannabis, THC affects the brain
the most. |
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Cocaine / crack
What is cocaine?
Cocaine is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant.
Cocaine is a major stimulant of the central nervous system. This
is the drug that created the greatest psychological dependence.
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Crystal meth
What is crystal meth?
Crystal meth is a form of methamphetamine. It comes in
crystal form, odorless and colorless, can remember the ice. It
is a highly addictive psycho-stimulant synthetic drugs. |
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