The dependence

Drug dependence is the need to consume a drug followed to its periodical or continuous use. A person that consumes can’t be able to stop taking drugs even knowing the negative consequences that they carry to his private and professional life. Now his life turns around drug’s searching and taking. According to the product, dependence sets in slow or fast, like the heroine, and sometimes without this person’s awareness. The only way to never become a daily dependant is to never begin.


Dependence grows in time.


There are three types of dependence:


It happens when a regular drug user has the need to take an increasing amount of products to experience the very same effects. As this carries a use increase, tolerance increases risks to the health.


Psychological dependence :
It’s the most common. It’s developed with almost all drugs and is characterized by an intense need to consume a drug and feel its effects. The thoughts, feelings and activities of this person depend so much of the drug that it becomes extremely difficult for him to stop taking or even stop thinking about it.


Physical dependence :
Physical dependence is the most serious because it lowers one’s person capability to choose. He won’t function normally if drugs aren’t present in his organism. He doesn’t feel right without drugs and can even feel abstinence’s physical sickness (ex: transpiration, tremors, nausea…).


Not all drugs create physical dependence. However they can be object of abuse because of their effects and the psychological dependence that generates. Physical dependence is one of the factors that leads to ongoing use of one or several drugs.


The absence state makes allusion to the physical and emotional symptoms expressed by a dependant person that brutally stopped taking drugs. Those are the problems that appear to a chronic user, a drug addict, who has just quit the product. These problems fluctuate according to the used products.


A drug addict in absence state is never in danger.
It is absolutely necessary to never surrender to his blackmail in order to take more drugs.





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We have many young consumers to stop and support the families affected by addictionous.
Read our guide to learn about drugs.
The testimony came from parents and young people face the problem of addiction.
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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT