The WHO (World Health
Organization) defines drug addiction
as "a state of physical or
psychological dependence or both,
between a product and a person
followed by a periodic or continuous
use of it".
Drug addiction represents alienation
and deprivation of freedom because
the drug addict is deeply dependent
to his drug.
For some people, drug
addiction is an adaptation strategy
that allows a person to anesthetize,
by taking drugs, his impulses, his
incompetence feelings, that is to
say a depressive state that feeds
despair and bad living anchored at
the bottom of themselves, even from
their childhood.
For others, drug
addictions takes part of a hedonist,
egocentric antisocial life-style,
adopted even before their initiation
in the world of drugs, the pursuit
of pleasure is their life goal, at a
minimal price effort.
It is manifested in
three different ways:
Dependence :
addiction is base in the
incapability of stop taking products
or substances.
Tolerance :
Drug addict’s body
gets adapted to drug effects and it
is necessary to increase the doses
to obtain constant intense effects.
Acclimatization :
The result of a repeated use is the
desire of it.