Object of the association is:

To privilege the information about the effects of drugs, prevention and therapies aiming abstinence, while coordinating the action of all entities sharing the same ambition, all over the national and international territory.


2° To fight against the consumption of narcotics and against those who promote them, while acting by all the legal means (action at law). The association is consequently opposed to any form or drug’s liberalization.


3° The association is politically and denominationally neutral.


4° The association’s resources are used to promote the information on narcotic’s problem in the broad sense, and on the importance for the individual, the general society and the public health of a drug’s policy aiming directly to abstinence.


For this purpose, the association publishes printed materials, takes public position, organise demonstrations and educational courses, etc.


& make a difference
We have many young consumers to stop and support the families affected by addictionous.
Read our guide to learn about drugs.
The testimony came from parents and young people face the problem of addiction.
You can also send your own.
Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT