The populations –
specially the young ones – have the
right of being well informed about
the use effects over health, family
and society. It’s really important
that the information about narcotic
harmfulness is objective and adapted
to everybody’s age. M.I.L.D.T
prevention campaigns have to diffuse
objective information. We are
against to presentations inclined to
minimize drug dangers.
The following
factors are
essential to protect
our youth from
drugs: family
emotional support,
drug free friends,
school achievement,
positive values and
life targets. All of
that contributes to
strengthen children
and teenager’s
personality and take
them to tell no to
the drug. Family has
to be recognized and
reinforced, even by
the authorities,
because it is the
most important
pillar in primary
5. To
support prevention measures and
lower narcotic’s offer, it is
necessary to forbid the last one.
That will allow us to make an early
approach to youth in danger and
inform them about the risk where
they are.
6. All citizenship
has the right to see their
family, social and
professional life protected
from accidents, violence and
other narcotic’s negative
consequences. It is
necessary to chase drug
dealers and don’t allow
people to get drugs at
workplace. Also, it is
convenient to stop all
formation about «open
places». Children and
teenagers have the right to
grow at an environment
protected from drug contact.
7. All addicts and people in danger,
have the right of assistance and
therapy towards abstinence. Indeed,
abstinence is the only effective way
to get out from this bad step.
Therapy can be tried at any time and
have to teach drug addict, from the
start, to live without drugs or
8. We are against to
all narcotic supply to
addicts, even in the case of
“therapeutic measures” or
“scientific assays”. These
substances are very
dangerous because they
prolong and consolidate the
dependency and reduce to
oblivion all chances to live
in abstinence.
All prevention and
therapeutic measures have
always to rest over
scientific basis.
Investigation has to answer
to ethic and scientific
rules set all over the
We support all international
conventions and agreements
that look for sanctions and
punishments to narcotrafic.
We are hostiles to all
attempts towards making
flexible the principles here
We are engaged to thwart all
misinformation released by
the media, trending to
trivialize the use of drugs,
and to deliver a blow to
physic and psychological
integrity of our children.
We support all associations,
federations and other
institutions or people
approving this statement.
We support individual rights
and freedom as far as they
don’t threaten society’s
stability, health and well