drug guide
What is alcohol?
Alcohol is a depressant that slows brain function and poisons the body. Ethyl alcohol or ethanol is the basic chemical found in all alcoholic beverages.
Consumption form : 
Mainly drunk.

What are the effects?
Category : Depressor
Caractéristics : Ethylic alcohol, or ethanol, is the chemical substance of basis contained in all alcoholic drinks. It’s generally produced from the fermentation of fruits, vegetables or cereals. Fermented drinks contain a maximum of 15% of alcohol pure (wine, beer, cider). Distilled drinks, like junipers, aperitifs or brandies can contain as far as a 45% of alcohol pure.
Therefore, alcoholic drinks are more or less powerful or charged of alcohol pure.

They can equally be fabricated according to different recipes, scented, sugared, mixed, coloured, etc. However what are important to appreciate are its effects, not its composition, the amount of alcohol pure contained, that is always the same and always produces the same effects.

Introduced into the human body in the form of alcoholic drink, alcohol passes to the blood in few a minutes and arrives to all the organs, of which the most delicates are the brain and the liver.

General order effects:


Once alcohol is in the blood, no food or drink can stop its effects. The sugar contained in fruits can, by accelerating the elimination of alcohol in the blood, shorten the duration of its effects.

As alcohol passes quickly to the blood, its presence into it begins, at the same time. It reaches its maximum level in about one hour and decreases slowly.

Alcoholic intoxication is characterized for three successive typical phases: a phase of excitement, a state of intoxication followed by a depression state that can evolve into a coma.

The excitement phase is characterized by an impression of intellectual and relational fluency, a lost of control of the intellectual functions and a release of the instinctive impulses. The individual takes inconsiderate risks (especially when driving his car) and loses all objective appreciation of reality.

The intoxication phase is recognizable by unstable walk, hesitant speech, confused thought, lost of inhibitions, non controlled and non coordinated gestures; it’s also manifested by certain somatic signs: dilated pupils, nausea, vomits and diarrhoea.
The depression phase takes the individual to sleepiness. Sometimes, the intoxication can evolve to a coma; the individual is in deeply sleep: dilated pupils, lack of reaction to different stimulations, vomits and lost of urine reflect the gravity of this state that, like all toxic coma, must be treated at a hospital.
Some states of alcoholic intoxication are accompanied by hallucinations, convulsions or delirium and can cause violent reactions in the individual. Jealousy or persecution subjects are frequent, in delirious ways. In other cases, intoxication engenders a dangerous state of depression that can lead to suicide.

Theses effects can come with problems of balance or speech.
Short term effects:
  Relaxation or excitation.
Intoxication, euphoria.
At short term and in high doses, alcohol can, according to the temper, make one person sleepy or turn him aggressive. It’s the cause of traffic or work accidents as well as acts of violence.

Long term effects:

Alcohol attacks brain and liver and can cause great damages: psychiatric complications, damage to brain and liver.
Some people risk to pass from a controlled recreative consumption to a non-controlled excessive consumption. Very changing moments, according to the individuals, follow problems associated to excessive alcoholic consumption. Some live repeated intoxications with long periods of interruption without becoming dependents.
Alcohol is a licit product, its sale and use are regulated.



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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT