drug guide
What is yaba?
YABA (Thai pills) belongs to the family of methamphetamines. YABA is primarily manufactured in Thailand. He caused there more dependences than heroin.
Consumption form: 
YABA is presented as tablet, capsule our powder. It can be smoked, inhaled, intravenously injected or ingested in the form of pills.

What are the effects?
Category: Stimulant
Caractéristics: Amphetamine to particularly intense and prolonged effects, yaba is the most widely used synthetic drug in Asia. It is also the most dangerous! It is called the "crazy medicine".
This drug is used like the speed, for the ultra exciting character and the extended stimulation that causes.

Searched effects:
Let us hold 24 or 48 hours without sleeping.
Stimulation, euphoria,
"high" state, anorexigenic, slimming.

Undesirable effects:
Methamphetamines increase aggressiveness and lead to an excessive self-confidence. The regular use of this product causes nervousness, irritability, lost of appetite, memory problems, chronic sleeping disorder, persecution feeling, hallucinations and other psychological problems. Increased aggressiveness makes it a substance used during the Second World War (the drug of Hitler). We can also notice epileptic convulsions, comas, strong increase of the body temperature, cardiovascular problems, apoplexies attacks, muscular cell destruction and psychosis states. In the other hand, the descent is violent and particularly hard to support.

Quick psysical and psychological dependence to methamphetamines. What’s more, it’s necessary to increase the doses to obtain the same effects.
These stimulants act in a powerful way, like speed (amphetamines) and cocaine. They represent a great danger for health..
Yaba is an illicit product.



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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT