drug guide
What psychoactive?

Prescribe and use wisely, psychoactive drugs, to mitigate or eliminate psychological suffering. However, they can be very dangerous when diverted from their medical use and absorbed by a person who does not need -medically speaking-.

Consumption form: 

Psychoactive medicines are generally presented as capsules of different colours. They are orally taken without any problem.

Heroin addicts who inject themselves those two drugs to obtain a sensation of euphoria usually use them.



What are the effects?

Caractéristics: A psychoactive drug is prescribed by a doctor. After review, it makes a diagnosis and, if deemed necessary, determine the appropriate treatment to the patient’s health.
A lot of people use, with or without prescription, drugs, to cope with the problems caused by their daily difficulties.

Effects and dangers:
Lost of memory, decrease of vigilance and diminution of reflex, those are the main undesirable effects of soporifics and tranquillizers, who belong to the benzodiazepine family.

To associate these medicines with other psychoactive substances involve dangers, as some interactions are medically ignored. Its combination with alcohol can be a mortal fearsome cocktail.

The effects of psychoactive medicines are different according to its category.

There are four:

Tranquillizers or anxiolytics:

These products diminish anxiety. They make to regress the signs of anxiety (insomnia, hyper vigilance, muscular tension). They aren’t prescribed for a precise disease but to answer to an anxiety state. All anxious states don’t always need medical prescription. Tranquillizers most prescribed, especially for long term treatments, belong to the benzodiazepine family known for the physical and psychological dependence that carry. Tranquillizers are sometimes used as drugs, in massive doses or in association with other products.

Anxiolytics or hypnotics, they are prescribed to appease anguish or anxiety manifestations.
They can carry:
  Lost of short-term memory.
  Decrease of vigilance.
  Diminution of reflex.
These troubles become dangerous while driving a car or using a machine.
The ingestion of alcohol at the time of treatment is harmful; it increases the sedative effect of those products.
The association of benzodiazepines to Subutex or Methadone exposes the drug
addict to respiratory depression that can lead him to death.

Soporifics or hypnotics:
They are used to cause and/or maintain sleepiness. From that on, they can decrease vigilance in state of alert. The most prescribed soporifics, especially for long-term treatments, belong to the benzodiazepine family.

Prescribed to treat certain mental diseases, neuroleptic medicaments bring calm to the patient. They are prescribed in psychosis treatments. In the treatment of long-term diseases, it’s also important a psychological and social support. The interruption of treatment is not advised without the authorization of the doctor. These products don’t create dependence. 

Prescribed for the treatment of depression, they fight against its manifestations:
  Fatigue sensation or inexplicable lost of energy.
  Diminution of the aptitude to think and to concentrate.
  Perturbation of sleepiness.
Antidepressants can bring undesirable effects:
  Decrease of vigilance.
They must be reserved to medical diagnosed depression and can't be prescribed for transitory difficulties.

To drive a vehicle, while taking this type of medicine, can be very dangerous!

If certain psychoactives don’t carry physique dependence, a psychological dependence is possible, according to each individual and substance.

Benzodiazepines carry physical and psychological dependence.

Several psychological medicines are deflected or increased without medical prescription; we talk about medical drug addiction.

These medicines are numerous: psychotropics, opiates, barbiturics, amphetamines, and benzodiazepines.

There are equally used analgesics, anorexigenics, stimulants, antitussive syrups, analgesics and laxatives.


We list three types of medical drug addiction.

Benzodiazepines carry physical and psychological dependence that encourage the duration of treatment and the administered dose.
Psychological and physical dependence is interpreted, when there was a brutal stoppage of the treatment, as a phenomenon of detoxification whose most important symptoms of absence are insomnia, muscular pain, anxiety, irritability and agitation. Progressive stoppage avoids these problems.
Neuroleptics don’t create dependence.

Antidepressants don't create physical dependence. Nevertheless, the diminution of dose must be progressive to avoid symptoms like nausea or dizzy sensations in case of brutal stoppage.

Legislation :
Psychotropic medicines are licit products. Their production and sale are regulated.



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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT