drug guide
What is LSD?

LSD or lysergic acid diethylamide is obtained from ergot (fungus of rye and other cereals). Its psychoactive effects were discovered by chance in 1943 by Albert Hoffman researcher. First used in psychiatry, it appeared on the illicit market in the '60s.

Consumption form: 

LSD can take the form of tablet, of different colors, of little blotter pieces, transparent liquid, capsules and little squares of gelatin.

LSD is taken orally, often is a little piece of paper that we eat, but it can also be inhaled or injected. It passes easily unnoticed in beverages or food. It can also be used in the eyes. LSD begins  to  make  effect  in about 30 to 40 minutes and can last from 4 to 24 hours.



What are the effects?

Category: Disruptive - Synthesis hallucinogenic
Caractéristics: This product comes up as a white powder, odorless and solvable in water, being also able to get impregnated at any place (blotter). Intestinal absorption is quick and almost complete.
Since 1990 LSD made its come back.

Effects over the central nervous system:
LSD is a stimulant of the central nervous system that seriously disturbs  the action of the neurotransmitters of serotonin and stimulates dopamine receptors.
  "Psychedelic trip", mystical meditation.
  Modification in perceptions, notion of time and space, distortion of images and colors, confusion between images and sounds.
  Extreme impression of mental acuteness and lucidity.
  Bipartition and anxiety.
Acute neuro-toxic effects: 
  Acute psychiatric complications that can last up to 24 hours.
  Modification in perceptions, notion of time and space, distortion of images and colors, confusion between images and sounds.
  Frequent violent reactions (murders) as well as self-aggression accidents (defenestrating, self-mutilation).
  Brain deficit assaults. Central vascular spams and irrremediable neurological damages (flash back) that can last several years after the last ingestion in 15% of users.
Flash back:
There isn't any effective method to stop a "trip" due to hallucinogenics. According to the dose, the context, individual and his spirit state, the effects can change and cause visual, auditive or sensorial hallucinations more or less strong. The repeated use is dangerous for the mental health.
Following to the chronic use of the product, our body doesn’t absorb the entire product. Some particles get fixed in the organism, get detached and cause another unexpected uncontrolled trip. Some users affirm to experience " flash backs " several years after the last ingestion (15% of users).

LSD, although doesn’t carry physical dependence, has a high risk of psychological dependence in the user that wants to re-live the positive effects of the substance. What’s more, hallucinogenics produce tolerance; he will have to increase the dose and frequency.
Legislation :
LSD is an illicit product.



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