drug guide
What is khat?

Khat is a shrub cultivated in East Africa and the southern Arabian peninsula khat leaves contain cathinone, the chemical structure and the e ff ects are similar to those of amphetamine, though half powerful.

Consumption form: 

The leaves are eaten fresh. They are generally dried over a period which varies from 10 minutes to several hours.



What are the effects?

Category: Stimulant
Caractéristics: Khat is a plant that contains two stimulant chemicals, cathine and cathinone, which are released upon chewing the plant. The chemical structure of cathinone is much like that of amphetamines.

Khat is a stimulant that relieves fatigue and hunger. It provides a feeling of well-being (euphoria), it enhances alertness, energy and self-esteem. It facilitates communication.
Short-term effects:
  Dilated pupils.
  Increased heart rate and blood pressure.
  Sleeping troubles.
  Mild euphoria and hyperactivity, similar to those felt on amphetamines.
  Loss of appetite.
Regular consumption of khat is addictive.
Withdrawal symptoms can include mild depression, irritability, symptoms of lethargy, involuntary muscle contractions, nightmares and tremors and a tendency to aggression.
Legislation :
Khat is an illicit product.



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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT