drug guide
What is ketamine?

Ketamine is an anesthetic and an anti fast acting pain medication used mainly in veterinary surgery. Ketamine can be "snorted", swallowed or injected.

Consumption form: 

Its original form is liquid, but we can find it also in the form of tablets (like the ecstasy) or powder. Ketamine can be sniffed, swallowed or injected. In rave parties it’s generally sniffed. The effects will start in 5 to 10 minutes later and last about 2 to 3 hours.



What are the effects?

Category: Hallucinogenic
Caractéristics: Ketamine is originally a drug phencyclidine derivative used as a general anesthetic in human and animal medicine.

The searched effect is the "dissociation of the spirit", a near to death experience acquiring a sensation of «getting detached from the body", floating above it. This "separation" has for consequence deep hallucinations and the sensation of living another reality.
Short-term effects:
Strong rise from the first ten minutes. According to the absorbed quantity and the personal reaction to the product, effects can be different and last from one to four hours. From the first minutes, change of the perception of the body, floating sensation, lost of sensibility and pain. Also lost of balance, memory, time notion and sound distorsion. The body can get dissociated from the spirit (example : find yourself three meters above the floor and see your own body stretched at the bottom). It's also possible to have big hallucinations.

The use of Ketamine is dangerous for the effects that carry, like the lost of conscience along with vomits and risk of asphyxia (for vomiting into the lungs).

In more serious cases, it can also cause psychological problems (anxiety, panic attacks), neurology (temporary paralysis) or digestive (nausea, vomits). In case of overdose, there is risk of respiratory breakdown and heart failure. Several cases of self-destruction were also indexed in Ketamin users that didn’t feel anything.
Long-term effects:
Tolerance (due to the increasing consume in order to feel the same effects) can quickly be installed in cases of regular use. None rapport has been made over the physical and psychological dependence due to the "novelty" of its use.

Psychological dependence can quickly be installed in reason of the attraction exerted by the reality disconnection and conscience dissociation.
Legislation :
Ketamine is an illicit product.



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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT