Drug use is increasing among high school students

Drug use is increasing in colleges and public high schools. This is the main lesson of the study published Wednesday by the direction of the assessment, forecasting and performance (Depp), concerning the 2014-2015 school year.

Verbal and physical violence topped (42% and 30% of incidents). But the share of drug use incidents has increased significantly over the past school year. They reach 3.8% of total incidents, against 1.5% in 2010/2011, colleges and schools alike. For only the general or polyvalent schools, they now account for 10% of the total number of incidents, against 4% three years earlier.


Cannabis use may have an impact on the educational future of children. According to an Australian study published in 2014 in the medical journal The Lancet Psychiatry, adolescents under 17 years old who smoke cannabis every day have an increased risk of 60% do not finish high school and do not succeed the final exam, compared to those who did not consume.

Cannabis, "in all environments"

In France, figures collected from 17 year olds during the day of the defense to prepare appeal show that cannabis use is bullish. One out of two says he already experienced, according to the 2014 survey, and almost one in ten regularly consumes. In the previous survey, in 2011, they were 41.5% report having experienced and 6.5% consume regularly.


These numbers put an end to eleven years of decline since 2003.


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The testimony came from parents and young people face the problem of addiction.
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Parents Contre la Drogue (C) - Serge LEBIGOT